Friday, 3 June 2011

It's finished!

But design never stops...

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

My final day

It was so difficult carrying on working after the pin up. I took a day off despite a missing sheet on technical drawings.

context plan
1-500 Masterplan

Section I AA'  BB'
Section I CC' DD'

Sequential Sketches
Development Plan @ 1:200 
Section II AA' BB'
Section II CC' DD'

Photo Montages


Lighting Strategy

1:200 Planting Plan
1:50 Plan
Hardwork Plan


Friday, 27 May 2011

Development Section updates

It's been a productive day... actually it could be more productive...

Gotta sleep now, as tomorrow I've got 2 solo pieces in the concert, and will have to help set up in the afternoon. So basically no much time on this tomorrow. 

Hope everyone's work going well!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Planting Plan

Hmmm, this is an updated 1:200 planting plan. 

Sections continue...

One flatmate bought ticket this morning for flying to China in the afternoon...
The other flatmate went to town to buy some cake for me as she also has finished her year yesterday...

And I just spent a whole afternoon creating another sheet of sections... terribly slow here...I mean the computer!

Sections from stage 1

I am catching up. Gotta work harder!

Sequential Sketches I

Finally I've got some sketches done... oh la vache!